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George, Washington's

Community Center

The George Community Hall is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, and it exists for the benefit and enjoyment of George, WA, residents and the Quincy Valley at large. Its purpose is to provide a place where events and social gatherings can comfortably occur; the facility is available for private rentals. The GCH is overseen by an all-volunteer Board of Directors, who also function as event directors on behalf of the City of George for the grand July 4 Celebration, CoffeeHouse Concert series, and Annual Bluegrass Festival.

The overarching mission of the George Community Hall is to educate residents and visitors alike in the fine art of cultural participation, not only in the broad sense as Americans, but more specifically, as those who identify themselves with the inclusive, rural-agricultural, ethnically diverse economy here in Central Washington State. It is our intention to encourage everyone in our area to be active, positive participants in all aspects of the life of this community.

We are operating with the recognition that interdependent human flourishing does not happen in a vacuum, nor does it happen by accident or artificial contrivance. The flourishing and growth of human beings most readily happens in the context of community.

Consequently, our organization places a very high value on volunteerism and on the promotion and encouragement of creative cultural enrichment; we aim for the outcome of a tangible sense of continuity of traditional small-town community life. We are happy when we hear residents say, "I like this town!" and when young people who have grown up here return to enjoy our events and activities.

Our motto - "If you believe that something is impossible, please do not interfere with those who are doing it!"

The Current Board of Directors of the George Community Hall Includes:

Aaron Harwood,  July 4 Grounds Co-Manager 

Brouilette Hoskins, at-large director


Courtney Felder, Georgettes Treasurer

David Putnam, at-large director 

Debby Kooy, Board Secretary, Grant Writer,

Rentals Manager and Events Director;

Georgettes member

Elliot Kooy, Board Treasurer; July 4 Grounds Co-Manager;

Cherry Bomb Run Director, Concert Sound Engineer

Jackie Harwood, at-large director, July 4 Vendors Manager

Jeannie Kiehn, July 4 Parade Director;

Georgettes President

Julie Putnam, Board Vice-President; Quincy Valley Chamber of Commerce Liason, July 4 Grounds Committee


Lynn Felder, Georgettes member

Marylou Krautscheid, Board President; George Beautification Director

The George Community Hall, established in 1964, has proven to be vital to the cultural life of the little city of George, Washington. For many years, we have provided a beautiful space for rental events as well as promoted artistic and cultural endeavors throughout the community. If you want to rent our hall for an upcoming event or want to learn more about us, get involved, or donate, call us today or use the form below.

Minutes of our most recent Board Meeting:

GCH Board Meeting MINUTES

MAY 15, 2023, 7 pm at GCH 

Present: Aaron, Jackie, Brulee, Debby, Jeannie, Julie, David, Elliot

Guests: none

Meeting opened by Julie with the Pledge of Allegiance 

Approval of April 2023 minutes

Treasurer Report (Elliot) 

MMSP to accept Treasurer’s Report 

Manager Report: 

·       Annual spring donor letter has generated a fairly good response.

·       Our insurance renewal will be next month

·       Annual smoke alarm test in conjunction with the quarterly elevator test will happen on Thursday.

·       Downspout on west side of building still needs to be replaced

·       100’ Garden hose that was kept on the west side of the Hall has disappeared

·       Light bulbs in restrooms, downstairs, and in main stairwell all need attention.

Georgettes' Report/Beautification Project: Marylou checking sources for drought-tolerant plants. Will need some assistance in removing the barberry shrubs in the flowerbeds so that they can be replaced.



No report until next season, which will begin in October.

OLD BUSINESS:           

Facility Needs-Assessment: These items are grouped for easier prioritization. 


·       New vinyl-plank flooring. An estimate for this job was received from Mike Jones for the amount of $9,790.00 but probably will not be good if we wait much longer.

·       Replace all chairs in upstairs concert room with stackable, upholstered seating.

·       Paint upstairs Concert Room.


·       Parking Lot striping/repainting of handicapped spots (Elliot has striping equipment)

·       Landscaping; new drought-resistant plants in flowerbeds and along walking path. City requires drip irrigation only

·       Pressure-wash front porch & benches

·       Marylou will contact Colton to repair the rain gutters that came off the roof during winter.


·       Reorganize downstairs storage/work room

·       Replace all ceiling tiles downstairs

·       Replace upstairs (concert room) closet hardware with locking hardware (already have supplies for this)

·       Reorganize sound system storage


·       New exterior LED lighting on porch and 3 sides

·       Rewire lighting fixtures downstairs to adapt to LED bulbs.   


·       Island sink trap still needs to be re-plumbed. The open trap is unacceptable.


·       Replace sound-damping carpet on concert room walls with acoustic panels. This may require replacement of sheetrock in this room. New trim on bench tops.

·       Replacement of cover on outdoor stage (installed in 2005, we were told at that time to expect a 15-year lifespan)

·       New lighted Flagpole Plaza next to the outdoor stage, north side

Grants: Grant requests to the City for Hotel-Motel tax funding have been approved by the City but we will have to supply receipts for expenses to receive payment. Georgettes can submit receipt for pie cherries now.

We expect to hear from the Lauzier Charitable Foundation before the end of this month about our grant application for our Concert Room Rehab Project. We are requesting $20,000 for new flooring, new drywall and Acoustic sound panels, and 100 new chairs. Application was submitted before the April 28 deadline.


Citizens of the Year: Melissa Baker MMSP

July 4 Event Handbook update – copies for everyone. Does not include sections on Fireworks, Children’s Games & Contests, Car Show or Info Booth


·       PIE:  Marylou, Brulee & Sandra. Pie cherries have arrived and we have them in storage.

·       Promo/Advertising: Debby & Kayla. New stage banner needed this year. Cost est. $400 MMSP

·       Vendors Management: Melissa & Courtney

·       Cherry Bomb Run: Elliot

·       Parade: Jeannie & Chuck Kiehn

·       Car Show: 

·       Schedule/Stage Entertainment/Sound: Arrangements have been made with the same sound company as last year. 

·       Grounds Management/Signage & Banners: Aaron, David & Elliot

·       Fireworks: $11,000 show this year. Permit has been received and will need to have Tony Liebelt’s signature. 


Phones – We have been paying over $200/month to LocalTel for a line to the elevator and to the smoke alarms, but land lines are being eliminated. Phone service will be over the internet. We are required to make this change.

Upcoming events: see

Chamber of Commerce Business After Hours on Thursday, May 18 from 5:30-7:30 at the Port of Quincy (old Heartland Pharmacy Building)

Next GCH Board Meeting will be on 6/19/23 

 Adjourn:        7:41 pm 

The George, Washington GEORGETTES

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Although the Georgettes, technically, are a sub-committee of the George Community Hall organization, they really function as a SISTER organization, doing a multitude of things such as food service, beautification management, and some event oversight.   They work to support the events and activities sponsored by the George Community Hall.

Most of all, Georgettes are a great group of friends who enjoy getting together and serving our community!


If you like the idea

of serving your community,

getting to know your neighbors,

and reminding America of its best intentions,

then Georgettes is for YOU


Georgettes meet on the First Tuesday of each month at 6:30 p.m. Meeting locations vary, please call.


If you are a woman in the George-Quincy area

and are interested in the Georgettes,

we would love to have you join us!

Need more info? Call our president, Jeannie at 509 398-0123.

Georgettes are actively involved in making the George community a nicer place to live, first by providing food management services needed for GCH events, such as helping provide refreshments for the monthly CoffeeHouse concert series, and also by organizing George Beautification/Landscaping efforts in our town.  They do their own fund-raising, and they support other organizations' special projects as well.

And, of course, the Fourth of July is the Georgettes' day to shine! That terrific giant cherry pie?  WE DO THAT!

Our big pie (8' X 8') has been officially recognized by Guinness World Records as the World's LARGEST Cherry Pie.

Come get your piece of it next July Fourth!  We'll be looking for you!

Reach us at:

(509) 785-3401 (leave message)

Emergency: (509) 797-5632

Email or Mail us:


PO Box 5064

George, WA 98824

Visit us here:

403 W Montmorency Blvd., George, WA 98824, USA


Facility is not staffed; please call for an appointment.

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